Wellbeing: Columnist Melanie Davies offers tips to combat SAD and brighten your day
Say hello to our new columnist, clinical hypnotherapist and stress-management coach Melanie Davies, who offers tips to brighten up the darkest days and find your winter glow
Struggling with the January blues? The excitement of Christmas has passed, decorations are down and there are still weeks of darkness to face before spring arrives. Take heart with these tips to rekindle your inner spark.
As many as 1 in 5 of us experience the winter blues, with 1 in 20 being diagnosed with seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a medically recognised form of depression. First of all, allow yourself to accept that as humans, we are part of nature’s bigger cycle. It is natural to feel slower at these times of the year. Instead of fighting against the seasons, allow yourself to adjust gently to feel more in harmony with the ebb and flow of life.
Okay, I get it, you can’t hibernate like a bear, but there are still many things you can do to adjust gently, feel better and boost your immunity through the last part of winter. Eating well, staying hydrated and taking daily exercise is a good basis for nurturing good health, but here I explore how to use the power of light and colour to take us from gloom to bloom while we wait for the spring.
Step into the light:
Getting outside, even on a dull day still provides crucial levels of natural light to set your circadian rhythm. The sooner you can get into daylight in the morning, the better. Even if you set off for work in the dark, give yourself between 15 to 20 minutes of time outside when the sun is up during the day.
Wrap up warm and drink your mid-morning cuppa outside or take a brisk walk at lunchtime to make the most of the natural light. This sends powerful signals to your brain, lifting energy levels, as well as setting up the timing for melatonin to be produced by the end of the day, increasing your chances for optimum sleep.
Using an indoor SAD lamp is also worth considering if your mood and energy are low. Look out for models that provide at least 10,000 lux which can be easily positioned to shine on you for around 30 minutes when you work or eat your morning meal. You could even position the lamp so you can bask in its glow whilst doing some simple yoga stretches, gently easing your body into mood-lifting movement.
Wake up gently:
My sunrise alarm clock was an absolute game changer for me. There are many varieties available now, but all have the basic function of the light increasing for 30 minutes until your wake-up time. Many models also include gentle alarm sounds like birdsong, which avoid the excessive cortisol spikes set off by a screaming beep.
Dress for dopamine:
Studies have shown that choosing mood-boosting colour in your clothes and wearing items that are symbolically significant to you will lift your mood. So, resist the temptation to slop around in your grey PJs all day and choose an outfit or accessory that gives you a burst of motivation instead. Vibrant pinks, reds and oranges provide warmth, positivity and energy, whilst blues and greens usher in feelings of calm, growth and serenity. Investing a little time and thought into dressing well will be a reward in itself when you catch your smile in the mirror and inject a little colour into those grey days.
Embrace the darkness:
Artificial light during the evenings disrupts our natural sleep cycles. Dim those lights in the evening, choosing table lamps over ceiling lights. If you really can’t stay off screens before bed, use greyscale mode to reduce disruptive blue light. Make your bedroom as dark as possible, so that sleep is deep and restorative.
Winter darkness can feel all consuming, but remember that without it, we don’t see the beauty in a simple candle flame. Embracing life’s contrasts gives us perspective, helping us to appreciate things. Try a few of these tips to ignite your inner spark. You’ll emerge in spring shining with new energy and ready to take on the challenges of the new season.
Melanie Davies is a sleep and stress management consultant and clinical hypnotherapist based in Newmarket, providing help for individuals as well as workplace wellbeing services. Visit melaniedaviesmindsolutions.com
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